I keep seeing a post on Facebook and I really like, and couldn’t agree with it more!

“The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.” ~anonymous

So many times, in life we hold on to things that we should have let go of long ago. It’s so freeing and liberating when we are able to declutter that closet, clean out the garage or organize that drawer. It’s the same with our thoughts. If we can let go of the thoughts that don’t bring life and choose thoughts that make us feel loved and empowered, life will become organized and spacious. It’s also helpful to let go of the activities that cause us to feel spent physically, emotionally or mentally. You can’t give, what you do not have to give.  I’ve found it’s so important to rest, read, yoga, prayer and meditation or maybe, just being! There is absolutely no shame in taking care of yourself.  You deserve it!! I encourage you to practice letting go of what you need to let go of and choose whatever gives you life in this season!

There is beauty in letting go!